Join or Renew NNPRCC Membership
We’re always happy to welcome fellow model aviation enthusiasts into the club. NNPRCC is an Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) chartered club, so you must have a current AMA membership to join. You can join the AMA or renew your membership online. You must have a full AMA membership to join the club. AMA Park Pilot membership is not accepted due to insurance requirements.
If you’re joining NNPRCC for the first time, you will be issued a Novice Pilot Membership Card. We want to ensure your flying experience with NNPRCC is both safe and successful. With that in mind, novice pilots are not permitted to fly without an instructor’s assistance. Once a club officer or designated instructor has flown with you and is certain of your skills and knowledge of AMA and NNPRCC guidelines, you will be issued an Experienced Pilot Membership Card. Please review the member guidelines below or speak with a club officer if you have further questions.
If you’re an existing (or prior) NNPRCC member, please fill out the application again each year when you pay club dues. This ensures that the club has an accurate record of your contact information. The application is easy and you have the option of completing it online or mailing it to the NNPRCC Treasurer; you can also pay club dues online (see below). If you prefer to submit your application, pay club dues or receive your membership card “in person” feel free to contact the club Treasurer and arrange to meet at the NNPRCC Flying Field.
Complete NNPRCC Membership Application Online
Prefer to submit your application on paper or pay the club treasurer in-person to avoid the PayPal fee? We’ve got you covered. Here’s a PDF you can download and print instead of completing the online application:
View NNPRCC Membership Application (printer-friendly PDF)
Club Dues
The NNPRCC collects membership dues to offset the costs associated with Flying Field maintenance and improvements, flight line equipment, facilities and administrative services (e.g. web site hosting, records keeping, payment processing). Membership dues are also used to fund annual club activities, contests, events, awards and so forth. A substantial portion of member dues is allocated for the Newport News Park as the Flying Field resides on property owned by the City of Newport News.
Typically, dues are collected annually on July 1st and your membership is valid until June 30th of the following year. Currently, membership dues are $105 per year; $50 is allocated to the Newport News Park and the remaining $55 goes to the Newport News Radio Control Club. The club recognizes that some members may join at a later date and offers a prorated dues schedule beginning 8 months after July 1st.
View Prorated Dues Schedule (printer-friendly PDF)
Dues may be paid by cash, check or PayPal to the NNPRCC Treasurer. If you elect to pay your NNPRCC dues via PayPal, please note that a $3.45 surcharge will be added to offset PayPal’s fees for processing your payment online. Thank you!
You must submit a membership application (above) in addition to paying dues. This applies to new memberships as well as renewals.
Special Rule for Military Members
The NNPRCC recognizes and appreciates military members and their families serving in Hampton Roads communities on a temporary basis. Active duty military members are welcome to join the NNPRCC temporarily (less than one year, 3-month minimum) for $8.00/month instead of paying annual membership dues.
The Newport News Park Radio Control Club (NNPRCC) is one of the thousands of Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) chartered clubs throughout the United States. As such, members must adhere to the requirements promulgated by the AMA and are responsible for knowing and following NNPRCC Flying Field rules and regulations. Members of the NNPRCC are also expected to comply with the club’s constitution and bylaws, attend regular club meetings, contribute club dues, elect NNPRCC officers and participate in club activities or events in the interest of promoting model aviation.
View NNPRCC Constitution and Bylaws (currently under revision)
View Operating Rules v4.0 Update (printer-friendly PDF)
View Operating Rules *Deprecated* (printer-friendly PDF)
View AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code
These rules and regulations apply to all NNPRCC Flying Field activities and operations. Failure to comply with these guidelines could invalidate AMA insurance coverage for you or the entire club and may result in revocation of your club membership or restricted access to the NNPRCC flying field. Every NNPRCC member is responsible for enforcement of these rules, regulations and guidelines a “gentle reminder” is usually all that is necessary. Courtesy and common sense are expected of all NNPRCC members during club activities and events at the Flying Field and other locations. Above all, fly safe and have fun!
Scheduled meetings are announced by email to club members. NNPRCC members are encouraged to attend monthly meetings to socialize and interact with club officers. Hear the latest reports from club officers, learn about upcoming activities and events or share ideas for improving NNPRCC.
AMA Links
- Home Page
- Charter Club Search
- District IV Home Page
- Documents (e.g. Membership Application, Safety Code)
Area Clubs
Local Hobby Shops
HobbyTown Newport News-Yorktown
5007 Victory Blvd, F1
Yorktown, VA 23693-5606
+1 757-890-4515
Radio Control Forums
Social Networks
HobbyTown Newport News-Yorktown
5007 Victory Blvd, F1
Yorktown, VA 23693-5606
+1 757-890-4515
RTL Fasteners
708 Battlefield Blvd South., Suite 107
Chesapeake, VA 23322
(800) 239-6010
Contact NNPRCC Officers if you’re interested in sponsoring club events!